2.19.190 Judges – Election – Appointment – Duties.
A. There shall be one full-time judicial position with regular terms filled by election of city of Lynnwood voters. Elections shall be made in the same manner as other elected city positions with terms of four years commencing on January 1, 2026,* and every four years thereafter. Any judge filling such position shall be a resident and lawfully registered voter in Snohomish County, Washington, and an attorney admitted to practice law before the courts of record of the state of Washington.
B. Within 30 days of the creation or vacancy of a judicial position that is subject to election pursuant to RCW 3.50.055, the mayor shall appoint a judge to fill such position with an interim term commencing upon appointment and terminating upon certification of the next regularly scheduled judicial election. Upon certification of such election results, the position shall be filled by the candidate elected to fill the position in the next full four-year term. The mayor’s appointment is subject to confirmation by the city council.
C. The full-time judge shall devote all of the judge’s professional time to the elected or appointed office and shall not engage in the practice of law. Before entering upon the duties of office, the judge shall take and subscribe to the oath or affirmations required by RCW 3.50.097. The judge shall have the authority and duty to perform the responsibilities conferred upon the position in accordance with the jurisdiction granted to the municipal court and all applicable statutes, ordinances, court rules, and other standards regulating such judicial position. The judge may, by court rule or other lawful procedure, establish fines and penalties for civil infractions or other offenses, so long as such fines and penalties are within the range allowed for such fines and penalties by ordinance, rule, or other law. (Ord. 3439 § 5, 2023)
*The first municipal court judge election will occur in November, 2023, and the first municipal court judge’s term (“short term”) will begin on January 1, 2024, and end on December 31, 2025. Thereafter, beginning on January 1, 2026, the elected judge will serve four-year terms.