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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 3464 Amends [adds] § 21.02.387.5; amends Tables 21.46.07 and 21.46.08, recreational activities in commercial zones 7/22/2024 Codified
Ord. 3463 Repeals § 2.54.145, sick leave 7/22/2024 Repealer
Ord. 3462 Amends §§ 2.94.080 and 2.94.085, board of ethics 7/8/2024 Codified
Ord. 3461 Amends Ch. 2.06, city council confirmation process for appointed officials and employees 6/10/2024 Codified
Ord. 3460 Amends §§ 11.18.020(C) and 11.18.050, automated traffic safety cameras 5/28/2024 Codified
Ord. 3459 Amends Ch. 12.20, undergrounding of overhead electric wires 3/25/2024 Codified
Ord. 3458 Approves development agreement 3/25/2024 Special
Ord. 3457 Amends Ord. 3452, 2024 salary schedule 2/26/2024 Special
Ord. 3456 Approves development agreement 2/26/2024 Special
Ord. 3455 Development agreement termination 1/22/2024 Special
Ord. 3454 Amends § 2.92.050, procurements of goods and services 1/22/2024 Codified
Ord. 3453 Amends 2023-2024 budget 12/11/2023 Special
Ord. 3452 Amends salary schedule 12/4/2023 Special
Ord. 3451 Amends §§ 3.104.090, 3.104.120, 3.104.130, 3.104.140, 3.104.150, 3.104.160, 3.104.190 and 3.104.210, fees and charges 12/4/2023 Codified
Ord. 3450 Adds § 21.02.531.5; amends Table 21.46.05 and § 21.48.100, off-campus emergency department 12/4/2023 Codified
Ord. 3449 2024 tax levy 11/27/2023 Special
Ord. 3448 Amends comprehensive plan and zoning map 11/27/2023 Special
Ord. 3447 Adds § 21.02.384; amends [adds] § 21.73.015; amends and renumbers existing § 21.02.384 as 21.02.383; amends §§ 21.02.318, 21.73.010, 21.73.020 and 21.73.030; repeals § 21.24.210 [21.24.410], essential public facilities 10/9/2023 Codified
Ord. 3446 Amends § 10.02.010; repeals Ch. 10.42, criminal code 7/24/2023 Codified
Ord. 3445 Adopts 2024-2029 capital facilities plan 7/10/2023 Special
Ord. 3444 Adopts 2024-2029 transportation improvement plan 7/10/2023 Special
Ord. 3443 Amends Chs. 13.40 and 13.45, stormwater management 5/22/2023 Codified
Ord. 3442 Adds § 11.44.101, parking in front of mailboxes 4/24/2023 Codified
Ord. 3441 Moratorium on acceptance and processing of applications for substance abuse outpatient clinics 4/17/2023 Expired
Ord. 3440 Adopts sewer comprehensive plan 4/10/2023 Special