This chapter is included in your selections.
- 1.35.001 Administration of development regulations.
- 1.35.004 Environmental review and limitation on hearings and appeals.
- 1.35.005 Project permit – Definition.
- 1.35.010 Permit applications.
- 1.35.015 Complete application.
- 1.35.018 Close-out of abandoned application.
- 1.35.020 Notice of application.
- 1.35.025 Time limit.
- 1.35.030 Contact person for application processing.
- 1.35.033 Request for additional information during application processing.
- 1.35.035 Combined public hearing.
- 1.35.040 Notice of decision.
- 1.35.060 Exemptions from project permit application processing.
- 1.35.070 Determining consistency with the development regulations and comprehensive plan.
- 1.35.075 Limit on scope of review.
- 1.35.080 Optional consolidated review process.
- 1.35.085 Transcript.
- 1.35.090 Time computation.
- 1.35.095 Recordation of permit approval.
- 1.35.100 Process I: public hearing and decision by the hearing examiner – Scope.
- 1.35.105 Applicability.
- 1.35.110 State Environmental Policy Act.
- 1.35.115 Decision and appeal authority.
- 1.35.125 Referral to city departments and other agencies.
- 1.35.130 Threshold determination.
- 1.35.140 Notice of hearing.
- 1.35.145 Conduct of the public hearing.
- 1.35.148 Parties of record.
- 1.35.150 Hearing examiner action.
- 1.35.155 Criteria.
- 1.35.160 Written decision.
- 1.35.165 Distribution of decision.
- 1.35.168 Request for reconsideration.
- 1.35.170 Hearing examiner power to correct or clarify.
- 1.35.175 Appeal of hearing examiner decision.
- 1.35.180 Amendment of an approved project or permit.
- 1.35.200 Process II: administrative decisions – Appeal to hearing examiner.
- 1.35.210 Scope.
- 1.35.220 Process on appeal.
- 1.35.230 Notice of appeal hearing.
- 1.35.240 Appeal hearing.
- 1.35.245 Authority and action of hearing examiner.
- 1.35.250 Distribution and effect of examiner’s decision.
- 1.35.255 Request for reconsideration.
- 1.35.260 Appeal of hearing examiner’s decision to superior court.
- 1.35.300 Process III: administrative permits review process.
- 1.35.310 Scope.
- 1.35.320 State Environmental Policy Act.
- 1.35.325 Authority of department directors.
- 1.35.330 Public notice of impending decision.
- 1.35.333 Public comment process before director’s decision.
- 1.35.335 Department director’s decision.
- 1.35.336 Approval criteria.
- 1.35.337 Limitations on modification.
- 1.35.340 Decision of the director.
- 1.35.345 Effect of director’s decision.
- 1.35.347 Commencement of activity.
- 1.35.350 Appeal of department.
- 1.35.360 Process on appeal.
- 1.35.400 Process IV: decision by the city council after review by the planning commission or hearing examiner – Scope.
- 1.35.405 Applicability.
- 1.35.410 State Environmental Policy Act.
- 1.35.415 Authority for hearings and decisions.
- 1.35.425 Referral to city departments and other agencies.
- 1.35.430 Threshold determination.
- 1.35.434 Repealed.
- 1.35.436 Legislative actions – Public hearing.
- 1.35.440 Notice of hearing.
- 1.35.445 Conduct of a public hearing.
- 1.35.448 Parties of record.
- 1.35.450 Repealed.
- 1.35.455 Criteria.
- 1.35.460 Findings of fact and conclusions of law.
- 1.35.465 City council decision – Distribution.
- 1.35.470 Administrative services director power to correct or clarify.
- 1.35.480 Appeal to superior court.
- 1.35.600 Process VI: appeals of administrative determinations to the hearing examiner – Scope.
- 1.35.605 Authority of hearing examiner.
- 1.35.610 Set date of appeal hearing.
- 1.35.615 Notice of appeal hearing.
- 1.35.620 Distribution of notice of appeal hearing.
- 1.35.625 Appeal hearing.
- 1.35.630 Action by the hearing examiner.
- 1.35.635 Distribution of decision.
- 1.35.640 Appeal to city council.
- 1.35.700 Process VII: appeals of decisions by the hearing examiner to city council – Scope.
- 1.35.702 Process VII: time for appeal.
- 1.35.705 Authority of city council.
- 1.35.708 Time limit.
- 1.35.710 Content of request for appeal.
- 1.35.715 Notice of appeal meeting.
- 1.35.720 Distribution of notice of appeal meeting.
- 1.35.725 Appeal meeting.
- 1.35.730 Action by the city council.
- 1.35.733 Report of city council decision.
- 1.35.735 Finance director power to correct or clarify.
- 1.35.740 Appeal to superior court.
- 1.35.800 Recodified.
- 1.35.810 Recodified.